Community Supported Agriculture

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a great way to support the farm and get a share of the coming season's harvest. You receive a good value for fresh, local vegetables and in turn, the farm receives income in the winter months when the seed, plant and supply bills are piling up and other farm income is minimal or non-existent. 

What is a CSA Share?

Full Vegetable Share ($725)
One full share is at least one half-bushel of Allandale Farm grown produce per week for 20 weeks beginning in mid-June. Your share will typically include 10-12 different vegetables each week. We recommend one share for families/groups with 2-4 people. In your share, you will find a full representation of the crops we are harvesting at that point in the season.

Half Vegetable Share ($400)
One half share is at least one half-bushel of Allandale grown produce every other week for 10 weeks beginning in mid-June. Your share will typically include 10-12 different vegetables each week. In your share, you will find a full representation of the crops we are harvesting at that point in the season.

Add Ons (all add-ons can be purchased independently from a Vegetable CSA share):

NEW: Pantry/Fridge Staples Share ($100)
One share gets you 10 weeks of Allandale’s value add items. Pick up will be every other week. This share may include tomato sauce, pesto, saurkraut, pickles, hot sauce, kimchi, salsa, & more!

Flower Share ($160)
One share gets you 8 weeks of a Farmer’s Choice Bouquet, featuring gorgeous Allandale flowers (zinnias, sunflowers, snapdragons, and more!) Shares are picked up weekly, typically starting in mid-July.

When and where do I pick up my CSA Share?

Shares are picked up at the farm on your chosen day (Tuesday-Thursday). Our 2025 pick-up window is currently TBD but will be shared soon!

*Please note: Our farmers harvest your shares in the morning of your pick up so it is incredibly fresh for you. We are NOT able to honor requests to pick up on a different day than you are registered for.

How do I sign up for my CSA Share?

Please read the CSA Agreement before you purchase your share. Then click here!

Are there other benefits to being a CSA member?

Yes! Our cashiers will have your name on file so that you can receive 10% off all in-store purchases on your weekly pick-up day. You will also receive a weekly CSA newsletter with crop and farm information, recipes and more. CSA members get access to a private community webpage for recipe sharing, CSA member-exclusive event calendar, & more!

This season we will continue to offering CSA member exclusive events such as our Preserving the Harvest demo, October hayrides, and more!

What will I receive in my share?

Each week (or every other if you’ve purchased a half-share!), you'll receive a diverse array of fresh vegetables representative of what we are harvesting from our fields. Your share might include seasonal combinations of...  

Arugula, beans, beets, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, eggplant, fennel, garlic and garlic scapes, greens, herbs, leeks, lettuce, new potatoes, onions, sweet and hot peppers, radishes, scallions, spinach, spring lettuce mix, summer squash, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, watermelon, winter squash, and zucchini.

Not your fave veggie? We have a Swap Box so you can drop it and swap it! Leave behind those veggies you've had enough of, and grab something else that you absolutely love.

Which payment methods are accepted?

Accepted forms of payment include credit card, check, ACH checking account, cash, and SNAP. Please pay by check/cash/ACH if possible. Please note, our payment processor only accepts ACH payments for transactions of $250 or more.

As a thank you, CSA Members who pay using a method other than a credit card will be entered into a raffle to receive a Fall CSA ($160 value).

Can I apply for financial assistance to cover a CSA share?

As of 3/25: Our CFS application has closed for the year. Our Community Funded Shares program is supported by our CSA members & Allandale Farm.